Sponsorship Opportunities
Becoming a Sponsor
ACHE of Northern New England sponsors provide critical funding that makes it possible for us to deliver on our mission of providing education, professional development, and leadership programs, mentoring and networking, plus scholarship support to our members.
For over 85 years, the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) has focused on one mission – advancing leaders in the field of healthcare management excellence. We are the professional home to more than 48,000 healthcare executives who are committed to integrity, lifelong learning, leadership, and diversity and inclusion.
The ACHE chapter of Northern New England strives to meet the professional, educational, and leadership needs of its members; to promote high ethical standards and conduct; to advance healthcare leadership and management excellence; and to promote the mission of the ACHE for our members in Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. To meet our mission, we focus on:
- Promoting professional interaction among individuals with management responsibility in healthcare organizations and healthcare-related agencies, and faculty and students of healthcare-related undergraduate and graduate programs.
- Promoting and fostering the advancement of leadership and competency in healthcare management by providing educational opportunities for leaders and early careerists in healthcare-related management fields
- Promoting networking and a collegial atmosphere among its members and other health-related professional organizations
Despite ongoing healthcare challenges, 2022 was a strong year for the ACHE chapter of Northern New England. We grew our chapter by welcoming 68 new members, bringing our total membership to 560 leaders from across the region. We were the recipients of the Award of Chapter Merit from ACHE for the advancement of members to fellow status in 2021. We were able to provide two in person and several online educational offerings for our members.
As we strive to provide our local healthcare community with additional opportunities in 2023, we respectfully invite you to join the many healthcare systems and industry partners that have chosen to generously support our mission.
Benefits of sponsoring the ACHE of Northern New England include annual exposure and opportunities to build one-on-one relationships through various ACHE of Northern New England events, creating connections with local healthcare leaders, opportunities to gain new insight into your strategies, programs, products, and services by participating in educational and networking events, and have an online presence through ACHE of Northern New England’s website, event emails, and newsletters highlighting our corporate sponsors with direct links to sponsor websites.
In addition to annual sponsorship, there are opportunities for event-specific sponsorship that we would be happy to discuss with you. As an event sponsor, your organization would receive two complimentary registrations for the event. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support!
Michael D. Peterson, FACHE
Chapter President
2024 Annual Sponsorship Packages
Term of sponsorship begins on date sponsorship payment is received and expires 365 days from sponsorship date
Diamond Sponsorship – $5,000
- Verbal recognition as the EXCLUSIVE DIAMOND SPONSOR at all events throughout the year
- Opportunity to moderate or serve as a panelist at one event throughout the year
- Five-minute introduction of company provided by sponsor representative at the Fall Annual Meeting
- Custom company description and/or short video to be highlighted on chapter website and other social media platforms with link to company website.
- Two podcasts per year interviewed and facilitated by our Chapter available for consumption through our website
- Highlighted message by company in chapter newsletters
Platinum Sponsorship – $2,500
- Networking lunch at both Spring and Fall events
- Cocktail hour attendance and recognition
- Recognition on chapter website for the year of sponsorship with link to company website.
- One podcast per year interviewed and facilitated by our Chapter available for consumption through our website
Gold Sponsorship – $1500
- Introduction of the presenter at Spring and Fall education events
- Recognition on the chapter website for the year of sponsorship.
Silver Sponsorship – $1000
- Listing in the chapter event flyer
- Recognition on the chapter website for the year of sponsorship.
Bronze Sponsorship – $750
- Listing in the chapter event flyer
All sponsors are invited to attend the November social/networking event and receive complimentary registrations for two (2) attendees to the Meeting. You will also have an opportunity to exhibit (at the Annual Meeting) if you so choose. Recognition of sponsor will appear in all program literature, receive verbal acknowledgment at all events, and be listed on ACHE of Northern New England’s website.
Sponsor Application Form
For faster processing, Click below to process your sponsorship payment securely online!